Sunday, October 26, 2008

Week 7

Start: 365
Starting Week: 7
Lost: -1.5
Total Lost: -19
Current: 346
Total miles: 52.5
This weeks miles: 6.75
Extras: weights: 3 session
New Category
Dress Size: -2

Holy Cow! I can't believe it's the start of week seven!

OK, so the best thing that happen this week, was I accidentally found out that I lost 2 dress sizes! I couldn't believe it. I could feel that my clothes were fitting better but I wouldn't have said, they feel loose. Loose enough to have dropped 2 sizes. That's really just unbelievably fantastic.


Things are really good. My foot is getting better and I am hopeful that I'll be able to get back to working out 6 days again, well running 6 days...soon.

Meals went well, but I'm going to do a better job writing down everything I eat. I haven't been doing that 100%, maybe that's why my numbers have been inconstant. J. thanx for reminding me how important it is to do that, so you have a true sense of your calorie intake. That way there are no surprises!

My H2O intake was better, but not perfect. I will keep trying to be perfect with my H2O, there's really no reason it shouldn't be!

I really feel Fabulous!

All is well!

PS: My day off went surprises ;)


Little Snoring said...

Can't wait to see you, maybe we can go jogging together. You are doing a great job, a true inspiration

xoxo Ingie said...

Thanx E.....
You can do come to group workouts...sundays....tuesday and won't stop even during the holidays

sue said...

Two dress sizes!!!??? Yowzer! Way to go, Ener! You are truly inspiration for us all...xoxo sue