Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 140: Week 12 thru 20


Overall the Holidays went well, I got through them with out too much trouble.
I really just kept myself focused at the task at they say
one day at a time... one party at a time.

The toughest part was that my schedule changed, my brother and his family were visiting from Australia for 6 weeks. There were 3 beautiful boys in the house, all under 7 years. Our days were buys filled with places to go and people to see.

Meaning my meals were out of wack, as well as my sleep. The only thing that didn't change was the running. They actually join us running, my 7 year old, nephew (aka rocket man) discovered he really liked running and was really good at it. He ran circles around all of us. On New Years Day he ran 8 miles with our coach...yes 8 miles....he is the Rocket Man.

As you all know my blogging, or lack of it was what took the biggest hit. I'm not sure how all you parents get everything you need to get done having's so hard...and how do you all do it with out sleep?

It was the first Holiday season that I not only didn't gain weight but I lost weight. It felt really good to have come out the other side with weight loss. It was not easy, there were quite a few weeks I stayed the same but I kept moving forward and sticking with it.

Day 140: Week 12 thru 20
Stats: Below
Start: 365
Starting Week: 12 Week:13 Week:14 Week:15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20
Lost: -0 -1 -0 -3.5 -0 -5.5 -0 +2 -1
Total Lost: -37 -38 -38 -41.5 -41.5 -47 -47 -45 -46
Current: 328 327 327 323.5 323.5 318 318 320 319
This weeks miles:9.4 10.90 8.9 8.1 9 11.1 9.7 9 9.3
Total miles: 171.38
Extras: None.....30min cardio....weights...weights...weights...none...none...none..

Dress Size: -2


I can do it, I will do it....YES, I CAN!
I am worth it! YES, I AM!
brick by brick...step by step....pound by pound


Little Snoring said...

Hey Ingy,

Glad you are back blogging. The Rocket Man has been asking when he can go running again. It is a bit hard with the others, but maybe we can go to a park somewhere...

You are doing so well, I wish I had half of your focus!

xoxo Ingie said...

I'm doing well, you just need to get some momentum going.
Have our little rocket around the paddic or the property line. That would be a good work out.
I miss all of you!