Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 161

Start: 365
Starting Week: 24
Lost: -0
Total Lost: -51.0
Current: 314
Total miles: 222.09
This weeks miles: 14.01
Dress Size: -2

My workouts went really well this week. I really have begun to get that runners high, every one keeps talking about. It feels so good, to feel so good after running. Boy, I sure didn't know what I was missing!

I did another 4.5 mile run today, which was easier then last week. I wasn't as exhausted the rest of the day.

So the other great thing that happened this week is, I decided to do a Sprint Triathlon (1/2 Swim...6 mile bike...2 mile run) , yes that's right a Sprint Triathlon. I had a little help with the decision, "I thought I could do that, then I quickly thought no way, maybe next year" , I was right on the edge of believing I could do it , as she likes to put it, Mikelle did some "nudging" and I took the leap! HOLY SMOKES! I'm TERRIFIED but I'm up for the challenge. I can do this, I will do this! I'm looking forward to the training! It's funny how my conversation with myself has changed so much...who would have ever thought that I'd be doing a Sprint triathlon, 5 Months ago.
Here's the link to the triathlon...any one far we have 6 takers and I'm working on 3 more...come on it's so doable....interested yet!

My food clearly do not go well. All the things, I did eat were good choices but I just am not eating enough, nice problem to have ;), right. I suppose it is but it's also really frustrating when I don't get the results, I want. It was such a bummer that I got a big zero, again. I averaged 1425 cpd, which is not enough, I know. I didn't do the best job this week with tailing my daily calories, again. I did go back to see where I ended up. I really didn't realize how low my calories were. I was sick this week which does wonders to my appetite. I will track them daily because I need to have a break through, this week. The only way, I can do it is if I put all the work in!

I was going to wait 'til my 6 month mark to re-measure myself, but I need some good news.
Here goes:
.......................2/22/09....... 9/15/08
Neck: -1......... 14.25........ 15.25
Bicep: -2......... 19................ 21
Forearm: -1.5. 11............. 12.5
Chest: -4.5...... 52............ 56.5
Waist: -2.75... 52.5......... 55.25
Hips: -4........... 63.............. 67
Thigh: -5........ 27.5.......... 32.5
Calf: -2.75.......16.75......... 19.5

pretty good...pretty see my hard work is paying off! I needed that!

All is well!

I can do it, I will do it....YES, I CAN!
I am worth it! YES, I AM!
brick by brick...step by step....pound by pound

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