Sunday, September 14, 2008

It starts today!

Over the past several months, things have been changing in me, perhaps getting so close to 40 has come the realization that time keeps moving forward and I'm standing still, that I don't want to end up alone or maybe because it's the year of Change! Probably, it's a bit everything!

I haven't really made any changes to my lifestyle of eating, which is why I am at the whopping weight of 365lbs! I can barely say it out loud but let's face it, it's the reality I face everyday. I know, if I continue on the same path, I will probably not make it to my 50Th birthday. Which used to seem so far away but it's really not. I turned 37 last month, and every year it gets a bit hard to do things and I keep getting bigger and bigger! I am truly afraid if I don't change the course I'm on, something horrible will happen.

I don't want to die, so the time has come to make the biggest change of my life! I am finally ready and want to start living the life I am suppose to be living, not the one I've been hiding in.

Today, a group of us started training to run a 5K! YES, RUN!
Today, it seems impossible but nothing is impossible with determination and focus! We all can do it! I will do it!

Our Coach, D someone who is truly INSPIRATIONAL! Three years ago, he was too big and with his own health problems, he starting training for Triathlons! A few weeks a ago he completed his first Iron Man! Yes, that's right Iron Man!
His transformation and his hard work, has inspired me probably more then anything has before.

I asked him to teach me how he did it! Somehow, he agreed to train and coach us to run a 5K, which will happen in Dec. 2008 or Jan. 2009.

Word got out and 7 people show up, by weeks end, our team will be 10 strong. We all worked hard today and walk/ran 2.7 miles more then I've ever walk before, at one time - no stopping. It was brutal and painful but worth it! I have never felt so good about something I have done, nor have I ever been more grateful that Coach D agreed to do this!

I'm not kidding myself, I realize, this will be the hardest thing I will ever do! But I also know that with my determination for change, will and focus, I WILL RUN THAT 5K AND CHANGE MY LIFE FOREVER!



sue said...

First, I smiled...then, I got goosebumps and then my eyes filled and I knew that you would indeed succeed in this endeavor. I am beyond proud of you & support you 100 %. You go, girl! xoxo sue

Little Snoring said...

The thought of you not reaching your 50th birthday is too much to bear. I know you are going to have a very tough road ahead, but as you say nothing is impossible and you are a strong woman. Don't doubt it!!

Keep up the blogging so we can share your triumphs and help when things get hard.

We are all so excited to see you in December, so be good until then!